Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 3, 2014

Vietnam, Japan establish extensive strategic partnership

Vietnam and Japan have elevated their ties to a new level of Extensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia
The upgrade came during the March 18 talks between President Truong Tan Sang and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, as part of the former’s ongoing state visit to Japan
Both leaders expressed their delight at the strong growth of Vietnam-Japan relations in all fields ranging from politics, security-defence and economics-trade-investment to people-to-people diplomacy, culture, tourism and human resources development, laying a firm foundation for its acceleration. 
PM Shinzo Abe (R) welcomed President Sang in Tokyo on March 18
Sang and Abe discussed and agreed on a number of major directions as well as concrete measures to make bilateral ties more comprehensive, practical and deeper in all realms.

They shared the intention to maintain visits and contact between the high-level leaders of both countries, while effectively utilising the existing cooperation mechanisms in all levels.

The Japanese PM said his country is willing to assist Vietnam in enhancing Vietnam’s capacity in maritime law enforcement.

He affirmed that Japan continues to take Vietnam as an important partner in its ODA policy, while positively supporting Vietnam on its path of industrialisation and modernisation.

The two sides agreed to work closer in implementing high-level agreements as well as large-scale projects, with Japan helping Vietnam in its action plans for the six key areas under its industrialisation strategy within the Vietnam-Japan cooperation framework.

Japan will help Vietnam develop its industrial parks and implement Ninh Thuan 2 nuclear power project, said Abe, adding that the Japanese side will assist Vietnam in other infrastructure projects.

The two leaders reached a consensus on beefing up bilateral cooperation in agriculture, hailing the establishment of a joint working group between the two ministries of agriculture for the building of a long-term cooperation plan in the field.

They also gave much space to discuss ways to bolster cooperation in human resources development, science and technology, and health care.

The Japanese side pledged to support Vietnam in the upgrade of some key universities to meet international standards, while promising to expand the acceptance of Vietnamese nurses, care workers and technical interns.

President Sang lauded Japan’s proposal on the setting up of a dialogue framework to promote cooperation in culture and people-to-people exchange between the two countries.

The two sides welcomed the increase in the number of school trips to Vietnam organised by Japanese high schools, while sharing the same view on the strengthening of cooperation in broadcasting, sports and tourism.

They agreed to continue talking on simplifying the visa application procedure for Vietnamese people.

Both sides affirmed that they will continue coordinating closely at regional and international forums and cooperation frameworks, positively contributing to the maintenance of peace, stability, cooperation and prosperity in the region. 
Vietnam and Japan agreed to lift their ties to a new level of Extensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia
They also reiterated the importance of ensuring peace, stability and development in the region, especially the guarantee of maritime and aviation peace, freedom, security and safety based on international law as well as the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Sang spoke highly of the efforts of the Japanese Government and people in implementing the new economic policy dubbed ‘Abenomics’, expressing his expectation that the recovery of the Japanese economy will bring significant benefits to the regional and global economy.

Following the talks, President Sang and PM Abe signed the joint statement on the establishment of the extensive strategic partnership between the two countries for peace and prosperity in Asia.

They also witnessed the signing of the documents on the Japanese government’s preferential loan totalling (US$1,179 billion) in the second phase of the 2013 fiscal year for five projects in Vietnam, as well as a number of agreements on cooperation in various fields including education, culture, sports and tourism, science and technology, healthcare, and agriculture.

The same day, President Sang joined a banquet hosted by PM Abe.

Meeting with Kazuo Shii, President of the Presidium of the Japanese Communist Party (JCP), on the same day, Sang congratulated the party on the success of its 26th National Congress in January.

They expressed their delight at the developing Vietnam-Japan relationship and traditional ties between the JCP and the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) in particular.

Shii stressed that his party wishes to further tighten its cooperation with the CPV through delegation and theory exchanges.

While receiving former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, President Sang spoke highly of the latter’s great contributions to fostering bilateral relations.

He expressed his wish that in the time to come, the former PM, with his prestige in political and financial circles, will continue making active and effective contributions to strengthening Vietnam-Japan cooperation.

Hatoyama proposed specific measures to enhance bilateral collaboration, particularly in vocational training, agricultural development and land improvement.

Also on the day, the Vietnamese State leader had meetings with International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC) Chairman Chihiro Kanagawa, Komei Party President Nachuo Yamaguchi, and leaders of Fujitsu and SE Groups. 
Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh on March 18 held talks with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, during which the two sides expressed their pleasure at the extensive cooperation and friendship between Vietnam and Japan.

They highly valued the close bilateral coordination in preparing for President Truong Tan Sang’s state visit to Japan.

The Vietnamese diplomat showed his delight at the strong revival of Japan after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and extolled Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s new policies in the field for the country’s initial positive economic growth.

He confirmed that Vietnam always takes Japan as one of its leading strategic partners, the biggest official development assistance (ODA) provider, the No. 1 investor, and key trade partner.

He suggested Japan continue supporting Vietnam in economic restructuring and internal strength development.

Kishida reiterated Japan’s determination to strengthen the strategic partnership with Vietnam in all arenas, saying that his country will work closely with Vietnam to boost the economy, covering bilateral collaboration in industrial development in the Southeast Asian nation.

Vietnam will remain the leading ODA partner of Japan, while the Japanese Government will maintain the provision of its ODA at a high level for Vietnam with a focus on developing infrastructure, human resources, and coping with natural calamities, Kishida said.

Both sides said they were pleased at their work together at international forums and agreed to further bilateral cooperation and information exchanges in a joint effort to maintain peace, stability and cooperation in the region and the world at large.

They also highlighted the strategic ties between ASEAN and Japan, which have a key role to play in each side’s development and contribute to the region’s mutual benefits.

The two diplomats agreed to hold the 6th session of the joint committee between the two countries in Vietnam and push ahead cooperation between the two foreign ministries to implement more effectively agreements reached by leaders of the two countries, especially during President Truong Tan Sang’s March 16-19 visit to Japan.

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